Mr. Yash Padhiyar, CEO met Commissioner at Gandhinagar to discuss the potential collaboration between Office of Higher Education and SDAU RBIC


Mr. Yash Padhiyar, CEO met Commissioner at Gandhinagar to discuss the potential collaboration between Office of Higher Education and SDAU RBIC

Mr. Yash Padhiyar, CEO met Commissioner at Gandhinagar to discuss the potential collaboration between Office of Higher Education and SDAU RBIC to sensitize the students of various higher education institutes in Gujarat on start-ups on 10th May 2022. CEO and CSO, SDAU RBIC have conducted a sensitizing lecture about start-ups and FPOs for the PG Students of College of Agribusiness Management and Department of Agril Economics on 11th May 2022. Around 30 students participated along with faculties of the concerned college and department. The purpose of this talk was to sensitize the students about the culture of start-ups in agri and rural space. The session remained interactive and SDAU RBIC faculties assured all the support to the students and faculty in incubating their start-ups.