An interactive visit, organized by SDAU RBIC for Kutch Farmers Producer Company Ltd, Anjar.


An interactive visit, organized by SDAU RBIC for Kutch Farmers Producer Company Ltd, Anjar.

An interactive visit was organized by SDAU RBIC for Kutch Farmers Producer Company Ltd, Anjar on 20th April 2022 at SDAU RBIC. Mr. Hiren Borkhatariya, CSO, SDAU RBIC interacted with the farmers and disseminated the knowledge of FPO and how SDAU RBIC can support them in time to come. The FPO members were then briefed about the facilities of SDAU for farmers by Mr. Yash J Padhiyar, CEO. Director of extension education and one of the PMRC member, Dr. P. T. Patel interacted with the farmers about the seeds production and its process and how they can be benefited and associated with SDAU.