A sensitizing seminar was organized where Mr. Yash Padhiyar delivered a session about the Incubation Centre and significance of Agri.


A sensitizing seminar was organized where Mr. Yash Padhiyar delivered a session about the Incubation Centre and significance of Agri.

Mr. Hiren Borkhatariya, joined SDAU RBIC as CSO/BM on 16th April 2022 before office hours. A sensitizing seminar was organized by NABARD assisted SDAU RBIC on 16th April 2022. Mr. Yash Padhiyar, CEO, SDAU RBIC, has delivered a session about the Incubation Centre and significance of Agri. Start-ups to SDAU alumni. Total 178 participants remained present and it was a fruitful two-way interaction. Many of the participants show their willingness to come up with their start-up ideas in near future.